When to Stop Baby Wearing: Signs It’s Time to Take a Break From Carrying Your Little One

As a parent who has been babywearing for quite some time now, I understand that it’s easy to get attached to carrying your little one close to your chest. However, there comes a time when you need to reassess whether it’s still safe and comfortable for both you and your baby to keep wearing them. So, when should you stop babywearing?

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each parent-baby duo is different. However, there are a few telltale signs that you should look out for when considering when to stop babywearing. These include your baby’s weight, age, and overall comfort level, as well as your own stamina and physical limitations. In the following paragraphs, I’ll dive deeper into each of these factors to help guide you through the decision-making process.

When to Stop Baby Wearing

Babywearing is an excellent way to bond with your little one and keep them close while freeing up your hands for other tasks. However, there comes a time when babies outgrow the need for baby-wearing, and it’s essential to know the signs that indicate your baby is ready to move on.

Here are some indicators that your baby is ready to stop baby-wearing:

  1. Weight and Size – As babies grow, they become heavier, and at some point, they may feel too heavy to carry around for extended periods. If you find that your baby is becoming too heavy to wear comfortably, it might be time to consider alternatives such as strollers or carriers that allow weight distribution.
  2. The Desire for Independence – As babies grow into toddlers, they often start showing signs of independence. They may start moving away from you or squirming when you try to put them in a carrier. These signs indicate that they need more freedom to explore their surroundings and may no longer find baby-wearing as comfortable as before.
  3. Reduced Interest – When your baby was younger, they might have enjoyed being in a carrier, but as they grow, they may lose interest in it. If you notice that your baby is no longer excited about being in a carrier or takes more time than usual to settle into one, it could be a sign that you need to try other options.
  4. Discomfort or Overstimulation – Some babies become uncomfortable or overstimulated when in a carrier, which can cause distress and frustration. If you notice your baby pulling at the carrier, arching their back, squirming, or crying, they may need a break from baby-wearing.
  5. Active Participation – As babies grow, they start becoming more active and participating in different activities. Wearing a baby carrier can hamper their movement and exploration. If your baby is showing signs of wanting to be more active, it may be time to explore other options.

In conclusion, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that indicate that your baby is ready to stop baby-wearing. While it may be hard to let go, it’s necessary for your baby’s growth and development. Keep an eye out for these signs and transition your baby into other modes of transport once you feel your baby is ready.

Tips for Transitioning Away from Baby Wearing

As much as you may have enjoyed wearing your baby, there comes a time when it is necessary to transition your little one away from being carried in a carrier or sling. Here are a few tips to help make the transition as smooth as possible:

Gradually Reduce Wearing Time

One way to make the transition away from babywearing is to gradually reduce the amount of time spent in a carrier or sling. Start by reducing the babywearing time by 5-10 minutes each day until your baby is used to spending less time in the carrier. This will help your baby to get accustomed to being held in other ways and will make the transition smoother.

Offer Other Forms of Physical Contact

Once you have started to reduce the amount of time spent babywearing, try to offer other forms of physical contact. This could include carrying your baby in your arms, holding your little one close, or gently swaying with them. This will help to provide the physical contact that your baby craves while slowly transitioning away from baby-wearing.

Practice Safe Sleep Habits

As you transition away from baby-wearing, it’s important to ensure your little one is sleeping safely. Avoid letting your baby fall asleep in the carrier or sling, as this can pose a risk of suffocation. Instead, place your baby in a safe sleeping environment, such as a crib, bassinet, or playpen.

Offer Distractions

As your baby gets used to spending less time in a carrier or sling, it can be helpful to offer distractions. Playtime, books, or soothing music can all help to keep your baby calm and distract them from the fact that they are no longer in the carrier.

In conclusion, transitioning away from baby-wearing can be a slow process, but with patience and persistence, it can be successful. Gradually reducing wearing time, offering other forms of physical contact, practicing safe sleep habits, and offering distractions can all help to make the transition smoother for both you and your baby. Remember to always place safety first and seek advice from a medical professional if you have any concerns.

As parents, there comes a point when we have to stop carrying our little ones in baby carriers or wraps. The exact time to stop baby wearing may vary depending on the baby’s weight, age, and development. Here are some alternative ways to comfort your baby when it’s time to stop using a baby carrier.

  1. Stroller Walks

Pushing a stroller can offer the same benefits as a sling without putting any strain on your lower back, shoulders, or neck. Plus, stroller walks can give your baby a chance to explore the surroundings and engage with nature. You can make stroller rides more interesting by going to different parks, gardens, or trails.

  1. Tummy Time

Tummy time is essential for building your baby’s strength and coordination. It can also help your baby to explore and observe the world around them. Place your baby on a soft, clean mat or blanket on the floor, and get down on their level. You can make tummy time more enjoyable for your baby by providing toys, mirrors, or colorful objects to look at.

  1. Rocking or Swinging

Babies love to be rocked or swung gently. You can use a baby swing, rocker, or bouncer to provide a soothing motion that mimics being held. Some swings even have various speed settings and built-in music or sound to calm your baby.

  1. Snuggling and Skin-to-Skin Contact

As babies grow up, they still crave the physical touch and warmth of their parents. You can offer snuggles, hugs, and kisses to your baby when they want comfort or reassurance. Skin-to-skin contact can also be beneficial for both you and your baby’s physical and emotional health.

In summary, “when to stop baby wearing” may depend on various factors, such as your baby’s weight, age, and comfort level. However, there are many alternative ways to comfort and bond with your baby after baby-wearing. By trying some of these approaches, you can continue to nurture your baby’s development and build a strong, loving relationship.


Deciding when to stop baby-wearing is a personal choice that depends on the baby’s age, weight, and development, as well as the parent’s comfort and needs. Here are a few factors to consider when determining the end of your baby-wearing journey:

  • The baby’s weight and size: As the baby grows, it may become too heavy or big for the parent to carry comfortably, especially if the parent has any physical limitations or back pain. Keep in mind that most baby carrier manufacturers recommend a weight limit of around 35 pounds for their products, although this can differ depending on the carrier type and design.
  • The baby’s development: As the baby becomes more independent and mobile, they may prefer to explore the world on their own instead of being carried all the time. You may notice signs of restlessness, fussiness, or boredom when you try to put them in a carrier, which may indicate that they are ready for more freedom and interaction.
  • The parent’s needs: While baby-wearing can be a convenient bonding experience, it’s important to prioritize your own comfort and well-being. You may find that carrying a heavy or wiggly baby for a long time is causing strain or discomfort in your body or that you need more freedom and flexibility to take care of other tasks or activities.

Ultimately, the decision of when to stop baby-wearing is up to you and your baby’s individual needs and preferences. If you do decide to transition away from baby-wearing, there are many other ways to stay connected and close to your child, such as cuddling, playing, and reading together. Thank you for reading my article on when to stop baby-wearing; I hope it has been informative and helpful.